Water Installation Project
June 2021 Project completed - Cllr John Smithson gave an update at the June Council meeting sharing how the water installation was now successfully installed and working for allotment plot holders. He commented that the project would not have been possible without the successful collaboration of Norfolk County Trails Team Officers who worked in partnership with the Parish Council saving £3000 in additional costs whilst delivering footpath surfacing improvements to Low Road.
March 2021 - In response to the engagement evening held in the Village Hall in February 2020, the installation of water on the allotment site was high on the list of items for improvement with many attendees offering to volunteer to help with a potential project. Despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic the Parish Council recognised this need and the wider benefits which could support the health and well-being within the local community. By March 2021 over 170 volunteers hours had been given from plot holders and local residents. According to a report prepared for Power to Change by Nicol Economics in June 2020, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and Lottery Community Fund 2019, estimated the average equivalent market hourly wage rate across this type of activity in communities was around £13.70 per hour and would equate to £2244 of volunteer time contributed to the project.
Please see below for some photos taken during the installation period.