The Parish Council support a number of projects, activities and groups within the village so watch this space for further updates and additions. Current activity includes:
Mural Project - Award winning Mural artist Sarah Gillings has contacted the Parish Council to offer her services free of charge to paint a mural on the toilets at Winterton. The mural idea is for it to depict the amazing landscape and wildlife we have on the Dunes. There be further opportunities for all villagers to see and have an input into the designs. Council have given huge thanks to Sarah for the amazing offer and to Yarmouth Borough Council for giving it the go ahead.
What would you like to see the mural to convey? Please contact Cllr Emma Punchard [email protected] to share your thoughts.
Further updates can be found on the Mural Project page on this site.
Neighbourhood Plan - work has been progressing to develop and adopt a plan which has been inspected and agreed by Great Yarmouth Borough Planning Departments. It is currently being inspected by an independent external examiner and the Council expect to hear more towards the end of 2021.
Playing Field 'Pathway to Health' project which is aimed at improving all facilities on the field and working towards a wider remit to improve the health and well-being opportunities for families and local residents who use the space.
Allotments 'Water Installation' now complete was project aimed at improving the infrastructure on the site which will offer smaller project opportunities for local schools and gardening groups to access plots for cultivation. If you have any ideas or would like to become involved in anyway as the project continues please contact Cllr John Smithson 01493 394932 [email protected]
Traffic Management Group Cllrs are currently looking at short, medium and long-term ideas which will improve the traffic in the village. A multi-agency meeting was organised in September and a plan for the next steps in is progress.
Ecology and Environment - Cllr Punchard are supporting a community-led group to become more involved with environmental matters in the village. The groups is in its early stages with its first meeting taking place in September via zoom.