Report It!
Many of the problems in the village reported to the Parish Council Office are the responsibility of other authorities. The links and contact numbers below give you quick access to departments that can offer help with common problems.
County Councillor - James Bensly
Police - Call 101 or 999 in an emergency - Flegg area local policing team information and Crime Map.
Dog Fouling, Fly Tipping, Litter, Broken Glass, damaged broken play equipment - GYBC Environmental Rangers Tel: 01493 742200 - Dog fouling advice
Footpaths - Norfolk County Council Tel:0344 800 8020
Great Yarmouth Borough District Councillors - James Bensly and Noel Galer
Highways - Carriageway damage, clearing debris, grit bins, existing lines and signs, footway damage/drainage, grass and weeds, hedges and trees, illegal signs, manhole covers, obstruction, street furniture, traffic management and lights/signals, vehicles for sale on the highway, verge damage. Highways Report
Mud & Debris on the Roads - Norfolk County Council
Parking - [email protected] and For legal dial 101.
Planning - GYBC Planning Tel: 01493 846430
Potholes - Norfolk County Council Tel:0344 800 8020
Street Lighting - GYBC/NCC Tel: 01493 742194 for Great Yarmouth or 0344 800 8008 for Norfolk County Council.
Your local Member of Parliament is Rupert Lowe- Email:[email protected]
For anything else not listed here please contact us.