Mural Project
Mural Project - Award winning Mural artist Sarah Gillings contacted the Parish Council in 2020 to offer her services free of charge to paint a mural on the toilets at Winterton. The mural design idea is to depict the amazing landscape and wildlife we have on the dunes. There be further opportunities for all villagers to see and have an input into the designs. Council have given huge thanks to Sarah for the amazing offer and to Yarmouth Borough Council for giving it the go ahead. Below you will see an example of Sarah's work below.
What would you like to see the mural to convey? Please contact Cllr Emma Punchard [email protected] to share your thoughts.
Update September 2021 - Council have secured small grant funding from the Norfolk Coast Partnership who protect the our 'Area of Outstanding Beauty' of Winterton Beach. This has been matched by many offers of support from NCC Cllr Bensly, many local business and local photographers for which the Council are very grateful.
Update October 2021 - To enjoy the benefit of better weather and ensure the final approvals are in place our artist Sarah has confirmed that she will be completing the mural next Spring time around June 2022.