Local Info and Reporting

Clarifying the position for Tree works or Removal in the valley and Conservation Area. - 28/03/2024
Conservation Area
Any tree works within the conservation area require a “Notification of Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Areas” application, otherwise known as Section 211 notice. The applicant must notify the Council 6 weeks before carrying out certain works to trees and the work may go ahead if the Council confirms so. If the Council objects to a Section 211 notice, they must make a TPO on the trees where works are proposed; and to do this it must be justified in the interests of amenity
Conservation Area and SSSI
We have now clarified the process for residents wanting to do tree work in the valley or on the valley slopes on or near their properties.
Residents must:
speak to the landowner
Seek permission from Natural England and
Apply to Great Yarmouth's Planning Department for a “Notification of Proposed Works to Trees in Conservation Areas” application, otherwise known as Section 211 notice
Agreement for new steps into the Valley
Speak to landowner
Seek Agreement from Natural England
Post Meeting Note - 28/02/2024
Unfortunately, many of our villages and communities and simply not designed for the amount of cars people now own, even modern estates are built with an average of 1.5 cars per household, we know most households have two or more, this does put pressure on local roads, and is a cause of frustration for many.
Nuisance parking and abandoned vehicles
Neighbours parking in your space or across your driveway, and people abandoning vehicles on the street can seem like a matter for the police. However, since 2007 in most cases, enforcement is done by the local authority.
Here you can learn more about what constitutes nuisance parking and what to do if it's affecting you.
Common types of parking issues
Parking on Pavements
Currently, it is not illegal for a vehicle to park on the pavement anywhere in our area, and in some areas, it may be beneficial to park on the pavement as parking with all four wheels on the road would restrict its width to agriculatural vehicles and the like. However we do need some common sense, it is an offence to "cause an unnecessary obstruction of the highway" and we do have powers to remove vehicles for "unneccessary obstruction". We sympathise with road users who may need to use a wheelchair, or pushchair, and we ask that common sense prevails, and you do allow room for these road users to pass if you can
You can see more here: https://www.norfolk.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/asb/asb/antisocial-behaviour/nuisance-parking/
This is a service provided by Centre 81 who say:
"Our door-to-door community transport service is available to anyone in the Borough of Great Yarmouth. If you struggle with using buses and taxis, our easy-to-access minibuses will help you to get around, remain independent and stay in touch with your community.
For many people it’s a lifeline that helps them remain active and reduce their reliance on family, friends and carers. Our fleet also includes two mobility cars for added journey flexibility.
Our fleet of fully accessible minibuses have secure anchor points for wheelchairs, tail-lifts for access and friendly, helpful drivers to get you safely on and off the bus. It’s an affordable service that can be used for practically anything – from getting to medical appointments and the bank to going shopping and visiting friends. It can also:
- Enable you to take up a volunteering role or paid employment.
- Get to and from a local club or society.
- Go out to lunch.
- Visit the theatre or cinema.
- Enjoy a picnic as you set sail on the Norfolk Broads.
For many of our door-to-door members Centre 81’s Community Transport Service is their ‘Social Club on Wheels’.
Ms S says: ‘The drivers are always friendly and chatty‘
Ms ES says ‘All the drivers are very good and help me with my shopping’.
Ms BL says: ‘The drivers are very kind and helpful’.
The core service is available from 10.30 to 15.30 from Monday to Friday and can be used by:
- People with a disability.
- If you need assistance to make it easier to travel and/ or get around shops or other venues, you can book transport for your self and your carer.
- Elderly people who are frail.
- Those living in areas not served by public transport.
- People who need transport to access volunteering or work opportunities.
- Children under 16 accompanied by an adult.
Transport is available before and after our core hours on an individually arranged basis and subject to availability.
You can become a member or book a journey by calling 01493 332253."
You can also access their webpage by clicking this link - https://centre81.co.uk/community-transport-services/
Updated bus Timetable 2024
Can be found by clicking here.
Tide Times
Tide times can be found here.
Latest Broads Briefing
Can be found by clicking here
Environment Agency
Flood warnings and further information (updated every 15 minutes) can be found here.
Planned Roadworks
For information relating to planned roadworks within the local area, please click here.
Mobile Library
The mobile library service provide residents living in more isolated rural communities that do not have a library building, with the opportunity to borrow books and access other library and council services. All vehicles are equipped with a lift for people with mobility problems, wheelchair users and prams/buggies. For mobile library timetable information, please click on the link: www.norfolk.gov.uk/libraries-local-history-and-archives/libraries/your-local-library/routes-and-timetables.
Mobile libraries are free to join and are open to people of all ages. Items can be chosen from the vehicle or reserved via the online library catalogue or the Norfolk libraries app for collection from a mobile library, then can be returned to any branch library or mobile library in Norfolk.
Recycle for Norfolk
Norfolk County Council and the county’s seven district councils are working together to offer a quality recycling service across the whole of Norfolk and reduce the amount of rubbish going to landfill. For more information visit www.recyclefornorfolk.org.uk.